Ardwyn members are what make the choir so special, a friendly bunch with a love of choral singing who enjoy rehearsing, performing and socialising together.

Aelodau Ardwyn sy’n gwneud y côr mor arbennig, criw cyfeillgar a chanddyn nhw awch am ganu corawl ac sydd wrth eu boddau’n ymarfer, yn perfformio ac yn cymdeithasu gyda’i gilydd.



David Thomson

How long have you been in the Ardwyn? 
I joined the choir in November 2013, just in time for the Christmas concert. Prior to the that I was a proud member of the Vancouver Men's Chorus for near on 20 years.

What's your day job?
I'm a senior administrator in the School of Medicine at Cardiff University.  

Favourite Ardwyn memory?
Performing with the choir at the 50th Anniversary Gala Concert at the Royal Welsh College of Music & Drama. It was an amazing concert performing all the best repertoire over the choir's long and distinguished history.

Why the Ardwyn?
I couldn't think of a better way to spend a Sunday night than singing with the Ardwyn! Dave Leggett is an excellent MD and really pushes the choir to be the best we can be but always in a fun and encouraging way.  His choice of repertoire is always challenging and ultimately more rewarding.


Heledd Jones
Swyddog Cyhoeddusrwydd

Ers faint ydych chi yn yr Ardwyn?
Dw i wedi bod yn aelod o’r Ardwyn ers 2008 pan orffennais i’r coleg a theimlais fod diffyg canu/côr yn fy mywyd ac roedd rhaid i mi newid hyn. 

Beth yw’ch gwaith dydd chi?
Dw i’n rheolwraig mewn lleoliad digwyddiadau yng Nghaerdydd, yn canolbwyntio ar priodasau a dathliadau.

Eich hoff atgof am Ardwyn?
Fy hoff atgof Ardwyn yw canu yn y Vatican yn Rhufain.  Roedd yn brofiad hollol hudol, un a wnaeth i’r blew ar fy ngwegil godi.  Roedd yn anrhydedd cael ein gwahodd i ganu yna, ac rydym yn ffodus iawn i gael profiadau tebyg bythgofiadwy wrth fynd ar daith.

Pam yr Ardwyn?
I fi, doedd dim opsiwn arall.  Mae fy rhieni wedi canu gyda’r côr ers 1966/67 a mae fy mhlentyndod wedi’i lenwi gydag atgofion melys o’r Ardwyn megys teithio i Barbados fel ‘mascot’ yn 1996.  Mae’r Ardwyn felly wastad wedi bod yn rhan o fy mywyd ac roedd hi’n amlwg y byddwn i’n ymuno rhywbryd.

Mae Cantorion Ardwyn yn grwp o unigolion talentog ac ymroddedig.  Yn fwy pwysig, rydyn yn grwp o unigolion, o wahanol oedrannau, cefndiroedd a phersonoliaethau sy’n caru canu a chymdeithasu gyda’n gilydd i fod yn rhan o rhywbeth fwy.


Haleh Tozer
Vice Chair

How long have you been in the Ardwyn?
I’ve been in the choir since 2012. I came to Cardiff to study singing, a career which wasn’t meant to be,
but I have always enjoyed choral singing and am so pleased I discovered the Ardwyn.

What's your day job?
I’m a freelance arts marketer and I’m currently working at St David’s Hall. I’ve sung in many concerts in the auditorium so it’s refreshing to be behind the scenes. 

Favourite Ardwyn memory?
Our recent competition in Cheltenham was the culmination of a really rewarding intensive rehearsal period. We all felt that our singing had improved and we were rewarded by winning the Sacred Music Cup, which topped off a great of day singing and socialising with the choir.

Why the Ardwyn?
Since my first rehearsal the other members have always been so friendly and I’ve made some great friends. I love the range of music we sing and the special Ardwyn camaraderie.

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Nic Downs
Tenor Rep

How long have you been in the Ardwyn?
I joined the Ardwyn in 2012 having previously sung with The Gate Community Choir in Cardiff

What's your day job?
I run a successful Architectural Practice specialising in residential projects throughout Cardiff and the Vale

Favourite Ardwyn memory?
The Tours are always one of the many highlights in the choirs calendar, the most recent of which has been singing Elijah at the Berliner Philharmonie

Why the Ardwyn?
The Ardwyn have a great reputation for being really friendly, performing a wide repertoire of fascinating music and encompassing a diverse age range


Lindsay Christian

How long have you been in the Ardwyn?
I’m not sure exactly at least 8 years, time flies when you’re having fun!

What's your day job?
Town and Country Planner - love geography so obvious career choice for me

Favourite Ardwyn memory?
We’ve had so many amazing projects but Singing Elijah in three epic locations with the fantastic Simphonie Shoneberg orchestra. From the Wales Millenium centre, to St David’s Cathedral topped off by an emotional performance at Berlin philharmonie. That trio will stay in my mind not just because it was my first Ardwyn tour, bring on the next one I say!

Why the Ardwyn?
I had heard great things about the choir, it has a great musical heritage and I wanted to be part of that.

Becky Kelly
Alto and Choir Secretary


How long have you been in the Ardwyn?
I joined the Ardwyn in 1995 when I was encouraged by my former music lecturer and past choir member, Miriam Hughes. 
It turned out to be a very good time to join as the choir toured Barbados the following year!

What's your day job?
I am a primary school teacher working for the Sensory Communication Service in SE Wales. I love working with teachers and pupils to develop speech, language and communication skills. 

Favourite Ardwyn memory?
There have been so many great times with the Ardwyn it is hard to choose a favourite. One special memory is of the time we performed Mendelssohn’s Elijah with the great bass-baritone, Sir Bryn Terfel – thrilling! Elijah is one of my favourite choral works and we were lucky to perform it again recently in Cardiff, St David’s and the wonderful Berlin Philharmonie.

Why the Ardwyn?
Being in the choir is so much more than a hobby. I have made great friends and feel privileged to have enjoyed many amazing musical and social experiences over the years – from singing in St Peter’s Basilica, welcoming Nelson Mandela to Cardiff, celebrating Grand Slam wins with the Welsh Rugby team to winning the Gold Cup at Cheltenham!! Ardwyn friends and memories stay with you forever!

Tess McKenzie
Social Secretary


How long have you been in the Ardwyn?
I have been with Ardwyn for just around 10 years now.

What's your day job?
Just before lockdown in March, I started a job with a local accountancy firm. One week later I was working from home. It has been a bit of challenge!

Favourite Ardwyn memory?
There are so many! Singing in St Peter’s in Rome stands out as a unique experience. More recently singing Elijah in St Davids Cathedral and then in Berlin was fantastic. 

Why the Ardwyn?
I have no history of choral singing, but when another member suggested I might enjoy being part of the choir,  I came along very nervously to try.  I loved it from the first rehearsal. I have learnt so much, regained the joy of making music with others and made some very special friends.  I feel very lucky to be part of the Ardwyn family.

Caroline Semmens


How long have you been in the Ardwyn?
I think 12 years! 

What's your day job?
Head of Major Gifts at Cardiff University. I raise philanthropic funds for our medical research and to support students to access our world-class teaching. 

Favourite Ardwyn memory?
Festival Interceltique de Lorient which we attended in 2009. My first time on tour with the choir, getting to sing in the impressive stadiums with all the other Celtic nations  but also smaller, more unique venues. All topped off with dressing up in traditional welsh costumes with some of my best friends, amazing photographs to treasure and embarrass! 

Why the Ardwyn?
I love the mix of music, the repertoire challenges me and gets me thinking but the outcome is always wonderful. I love being part of a mixed choir with such a broad age range. I have made incredible friends and performing together creates a bond that is tough to replicate! 

Ruth Evans


How long have you been in the Ardwyn?
Since early 1991, so nearly 30 years.  I still feel like a new girl sometimes though!

What's your day job?
I was a Tax Inspector until (very) early retirement beckoned a couple of years ago.  Now I work freelance, mainly for a business that supplies theatrical props to the growing South Wales theatre/film/tv world.  It’s very different and very enjoyable, and I have a new hobby of spotting “my" props on the telly!. 

Favourite Ardwyn memory?
There are so many of them - touring places I’d never have gone otherwise, like Hungary and Barbados; performing with Pavarotti, Bryn Terfel, Kiri te Kanawa and (my personal favourite) ELO; singing anywhere and everywhere, from Auschwitz and the Vatican to the Millennium Stadium, in tents and town halls, small churches and major venues.  Perhaps the most satisfying experiences however come from providing music at those events which are so personal, emotional and special - wedding and funeral services.

Why the Ardwyn?
I’d sung in choirs all my life, but had wanted to be part of something that was musically more challenging than I’d experienced previously.  I remember very clearly hearing the Ardwyn perform Monteverdi’s Beatus Vir at Llandaff Cathedral in 1990 and being so impressed by the beautiful sound they produced.  One of my work colleagues was in the Ardwyn and persuaded me to audition; I was terrified and never thought I’d be accepted, but to my surprise I was!  It’s been a mainstay of my life every since, and I’ve made so many good friends through it.  It’s like being part of a large extended family, which includes choristers’ partners, children, and even grandchildren! 

Michael Garvey

How long have you been in the Ardwyn?
Not quite six months, I joined recently and my first concert was the tremendous Carmina Burana performance with the Rhondda Symphony Orchestra in St David's Hall.

What's your day job?
I am a consultant in the arts sector, I fix problems that arts organisations have, usually spending a few months with them overseeing a specific part of their work (or sometimes all of it !) and helping them make it better. My current contract is with BBC Radio 3 where I'm helping them move half of their programmes from London to Salford.

Favourite Ardwyn memory?
Haven't had much time to make many yet, but speaking of memory - trying to memorise some of the pieces for the June '22 St David's Hall concert in about 5 weeks was pretty challenging and has stuck with me as a result !!

Why the Ardwyn?
The choir is really friendly and really good. I like the mix of repertoire and the fact that rehearsals are on a Sunday night - which means I can regularly comit to being there!

Angela Burd


How long have you been in the Ardwyn?
It is such a privilege to be a member of the Ardwyn; I joined the choir in 2017 after attending one of the choir's Come and Sing events.

What's your day job?
I taught English Language and Literature for 38 years and now I am currently teaching English as a foreign language.

Favourite Ardwyn memory?
I have had so many great musical experiences since joining the Ardwyn including tours in Edinburgh and Nantes, rehearsing and performing with Eric Whitacre in St. David's Hall, Cardiff and taking part in the Welsh Proms. However, my favourite memory is our trip to Berlin in October 2019 to perform Mendelssohn's " Elijah " at the Berlin Philharmonie.

Why the Ardwyn?
The choir's repertoire is exciting and challenging and the results are beautiful. Although the standards are high , there is a great warmth and camaraderie in the choir. This is in no small part due to our inspirational MD, David Leggett and our wonderful accompanist, Janice Ball BEM. I just feel so lucky to be a part of this wonderful choir.

Becky MacGregor


How long have you been in the Ardwyn?
I joined in September 2012. I had recently moved back to South Wales after a few years living in the Midlands and was missing being part of a choir and choral singing, following involvement at school and university. A member of the choir who lives near my parents told them about it and invited me to go along to a rehearsal to see what I thought. Three rehearsals later and I had my audition which luckily went well! The last eight years have flown past with so many wonderful opportunities and experiences.

What's your day job?
I work as a Property and Contracts solicitor for Neath Port Talbot Council. I do enjoy my job but, like all jobs, it can be quite intense and stressful at times. Having a choir rehearsal on a Sunday evening definitely helps to relax and calm me before the working week starts.

Favourite Ardwyn memory?
It's so hard to pick just one! Having only been in the choir for a year or so, we went on tour to Vienna and Krakow which really helped me to get to know a lot of people in the choir who I hadn't had the chance to chat up until then and made my existing friendships even stronger. Singing at Auschwitz during that trip was incredibly moving and poignant and something I will never forget. Being an avid Welsh rugby fan, singing at Wales rugby matches with the deafening sound of the spectators at the Millennium Stadium was a fantastic experience - my mum is still adamant she spotted me on the tv! Finally, having members of the choir singing at my wedding reception was very special and made it very personal to me. My guests were overwhelmed with how beautiful they were and it gave such a wonderful atmosphere to the reception. I even managed to find time to sing one or two pieces with the choir myself!

Why the Ardwyn?
I wanted to find a choir that sang a real mixture of older and more contemporary works and wasn't afraid to push the boundaries in what it could achieve. I also wanted to find a choir that was very professional in its approach and regularly performed in public. Safe to say, I have found that and more with the Ardwyn. We have a very full and varied repertoire and have the opportunity to sing in some extraordinary performances. We work hard but also know how to party hard when we get the chance to - something else always high on my agenda!

Claire Holcombe


How long have you been in the Ardwyn?
24 years!

What's your day job?
Primary School Teacher

Favourite Ardwyn memory?
There are so many! Going on tour with the Ardwyn has been the source of so many ‘life highlights’ and provided me with so many happy memories over the years. It is difficult to pinpoint just one. Singing in St Marks in Venice, at the Vatican in Rome on Easter Monday as well as the poignant visit to Auschwitz are memories I will always treasure. However, the choir tour to South Africa and the opportunity to sing for Nelson Mandela is something I will never forget.

Why the Ardwyn?
Having been a member of the Ardwyn for over half of my life it has certainly become a huge part of it. The Ardwyn has become like family to me. The friendships I have made, places I have been, people I have met, opportunities I have been given and musical satisfaction and experiences I have gained from being part of the Ardwyn are some of my greatest treasures.